Earn more by booking online
We guarantee that you won’t find it cheaper elsewhere.
Booking directly with us is a guarantee of the best price and the best service.
Because we are convinced that you are our best ambassadors, we have chosen to reward you. Book directly with us and take advantage of our exclusive offers!
We value our special relationship with you, which allows us to personalise your stay. When you book with us, you are guaranteed a dedicated service.
Some online travel agencies advertise their “no booking fee” offers. What they don’t tell you is that we have to pay them a high commission.
We prefer to give it back to you by charging less!
So if you are passing through the Châteauneuf du Pape area soon, contact us and book directly! You will benefit from our services at the best rate and from all the customer advantages offered by the merchants!
Save Money with our special offers:
Only if you book directly with us!
Discover the advantages offered by the merchants of Châteauneuf du Pape and meet them!
Testimonials of our clients
Are you wondering if you will like staying in the holiday homes managed by BonSejourChezNous.eu? Our customers are our best ambassadors! We let them answer you.
Châteauneuf du Pape
Private Concierge Services
To make your stay even more unforgettable, our private concierge is there to meet all your desires. Let us know your wishes and we will do our utmost to make them come true.
Contact Us
Would you like to get the concierge services of BonSejourChezNous.eu or book your stay with us?
You can contact us via this form or by phone at 06 88 56 04 45.
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